Driven by our passion for technology and our motivation to make a difference driving collective well-being forward,
innovation in technology has been our ultimate mission over the years, where we strived to integrate the latest technologies
to improve solutions to every day’s needs and requirements.
Team NEUVATEK is committed to provide unique designs and daring innovations in a user-friendly context to improve your quality-of-life.
A constant mission to seed tomorrow’s innovations is fueling Neuvatek’s drive to remain at the forefront of technological innovation.
Neuvatek’s focused and integrated approach enables a refinement of our client’s initial concepts with fundamental improvements into state-of-the-art realizations.
Team Neuvatek’s core expertise spans concept definition, Industrial design, micro-electronics and embedded firmware development as well as human-machine interface.
Through established partnerships in the US, Europe and Asia, Neuvatek’s Production Business Unit supports its clients in large scale production, testing,
quality control and certifications. Prototype development is fully implemented in-house with access to 3D printing technology, small-scale CNC machining,
PCB assembly, device programming and product packaging.
Right from the initial abstract idea, Team NEUVATEK assists our clients in developing their concepts starting from the early formulation stage into a robust concept. NEUVATEK’s team strives to shape this embryonic concept into a fully functional model, fulfilling tomorrow's need. Several design iterations result into a rich yet streamlined concept leading to a final design ready for prototyping and development.
Team NEUVATEK assists our clients in developing their concepts starting from the early formulation stage and initial abstraction into a robust concept.
Team NEUVATEK consists of seasoned industrial designers, artists, engineers and materials scientists who deploy their knowledge i n crafting our client’s products in a functional, ergonomic and eco-friendly way.
From ideation to prototyping and mass production, Team NEUVATEK is always available to support our clients in their endeavor to develop a market-ready product exceeding expectations.
NEUVATEK has built a reputable experience in the development of micro-electronics systems for the wearable, healthcare and industrial sectors addressing requirements of extreme temperature, vibration, insulation and EMC compatibility. Team NEUVATEK accumulated considerable expertise in different platforms, architectures and communication protocols.
While always offering custom-made solutions to meet our clients requirements and exceed their expectations, NEUVATEK firmware development team benefits from shared built libraries for different platforms and communications backbones, neural control, digital signal processing, image processing, motion control, sequential logic, continuous logic, 3D navigation as well as encryption and coding / decoding.
Team NEUVATEK is always available to support clients endeavor to develop a final product exceeding expectations. Our team‘s main focus is design simplicity, solution elegance, and ease of operation for unique products differentiation.
Through access to integrated simulation platforms, such as MATLAB, Altium, Solidworks and internally developed systems, our clients are able to test their product in a realistic virtual reality environment, taking into consideration electronic circuits performance, control system coherence, thermal response as well as EMC Interference and compatibility.
Neuvatek’s foray in AI encompasses Deep Learning and Big Data analysis for predictive analysis and pattern identification. These applications complement Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic developments for modeling time series and heuristic systems. Speech and Image recognition as well as cognitive computing also form an integral part of Neuvatek’s AI capability.
NEUVATEKs expertise in Intellectual Property Protection enables a unique and cost-effective support of our clients in addressing the IP needs. Neuvatek’s methodology spans thorough patent searches, concept refinement and differentiation through patent development and filing. With an established track of high patent issuance rate, Team NEUVATEK is proud to offer the needed IP services to our clients.
With main focus on R&D and FDA Approvals.
Embedded IoT, Artificial Intelligence and more...
Rugged yet user friendly Industrial Systems
Driving the sports sector toward a new era
Where Micro-Electronics & Micro-Biology meet.
Based on Latest Communication Technologies
NEUVATEK has established partnerships with a number of leading technology suppliers, including MICROCHIP, Silicon Labs, Nordic, Apple, TDK and Thales....
Please click on the link below to download NEUVATEK’s Brochure in PDF format.
For more information kindly get in contact with our sales team at